If you are a professional or company in the fragrance industry, you can now submit free your application for the Barcelona Perfumery Awards through the following link.

🏆 About Barcelona Perfumery Awards:

📍 10 Awarded Categories
📍Free, international and open for applicants in the fragrance, perfumery and related sectors.
📍Application Deadline: September 29th, 2023
📍Award ceremony on 22nd and 23rd November, within Barcelona Perfumery Congress
📍Supported by RNB, the Spanish cosmetic business group with more than 30 years of experience and international presence in the cosmetic & fragrance sector
📍Further information here: https://perfumerycongress.com/bp-awards-2023/


Still not registered to Barcelona Perfumery Congress? Register to Barcelona Perfumery Congress here , as a professional from the cosmetic & perfumery industry.